Add a review widget to your website

The review widget is dynamic and allows you to display your ratings and reviews on your website in real time. This demonstrates that you are open about your integrity as an independently rated and reviewed adviser.

It also provides a direct link to allow visitors to your website an easy way to access your Adviser Ratings profile. Follow the steps below to add your widget.

  1. Login to your Adviser Portal

  2. Click on 'Resources' and click 'Copy code'


  3. Embed code to your website.

Extra tips:

Most systems will require you to copy the HTML code, then paste this snippet into your HTML viewer window and save.

If you are experiencing issues, we recommend searching for the user guide of your particular content management system that have step-by-step instructions on HTML embedding.

Once you've had success with this, all you need to is copy the HTML code from within your Portal into the appropriate section of your website.

Please reach out to for further assistance.